Reinu quarry, Porkuni Stage, 2022-10-08
General info
Name Reinu quarry, Porkuni Stage, 2022-10-08
Project Porkuni Stage and O-S boundary in the Reinu quarry, central Estonia
Country Estonia (EE)
Latitude 59.088012
Longitude 24.740406
Coordinate accuracy (m) 5.00
Coordinate method GPS
Location info Proovivõtmise koht 2022-10-08, LA, TM isotoobiproovid, OH lito ja mikropal.
Studied 2022-10-08
Date added 2022-10-08
Date changed 2022-10-08
IDSample No.LocalityDepth / thickness (m)StratigraphyCollectorDate collectedImage
190244 OM22-37 Reinu Quarry -0.65 Porkuni Stage Hints, Olle 2022-10-08
190243 OM22-36 Reinu Quarry -0.8 Porkuni Stage Hints, Olle 2022-10-08
190242 OM22-35 Reinu Quarry -0.2 Porkuni Stage Hints, Olle 2022-10-08
190241 OM22-34 Reinu Quarry -0.9 Pirgu Stage Hints, Olle 2022-10-08
190240 OM22-33 Reinu Quarry 1.5 Porkuni Stage Hints, Olle 2022-10-08
190239 OM22-32 Reinu Quarry 1.4 Porkuni Stage Hints, Olle 2022-10-08
190238 OM22-31 Reinu Quarry 1.5 Porkuni Stage Hints, Olle 2022-10-08