Name | Reinu Quarry |
Type | surface mine |
Country | Estonia |
Parish | Rapla |
Settlement | Äherdi |
Coordinates | 59.087299, 24.73768 |
X | 6550072 |
Y | 542288 |
Coordinate precision | 1-10 m |
Coord. method | Est Land Board map server |
Location remarks | Koigi külast 1,8 km loodes; Äherdi külast 1,6 km põhjas. Karjääri teatakse ka Koigi karjäärina. (1.8 km northwest of Koigi village; 1.6 km north of Äherdi village. The quarry is also known as Koigi quarry.) |
Strat. top | Juuru Stage |
Strat. base | Pirgu Stage |
Remarks | Karjäär kuulub Rapla Teed OÜ-le; Eksp. 3.05.2012. (The quarry belongs to Rapla Teed OÜ; Exp. 3.05.2012) |
Date added | 2012-05-04 |
Date changed | 2024-08-19 |
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