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Analytical data
130346 results
Depth (m)
Rock, sediment
15307Ardu boreholeLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)211.60liivakivi
25308Ardu boreholeLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)211.90
35325Ardu boreholeLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)213.20
55339Ardu boreholeLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)216.00
65345Ardu boreholeLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)219.80
75348Ardu boreholeLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)235.70
85351Ardu boreholeLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)252.80
95364Ardu boreholeLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)259.10
105380Ardu boreholeLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)271.30
125384Ardu boreholeLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)275.80275.90
135401Ardu boreholeVendian290.40
145413Ardu boreholeVendian313.00313.30liivakivi
155419Ardu boreholeVendian314.30
165420Ardu boreholeVendian320.90321.00
1728274Ardu boreholeVendian323.10
1828275Ardu boreholeVendian323.70
39E-19Ellavere borehole, JärvamaaMiddle Cambrian (old nomenclature)220.30221.90liivakivi
40E-18Ellavere borehole, JärvamaaMiddle Cambrian (old nomenclature)227.30227.60
41E-17Ellavere borehole, JärvamaaMiddle Cambrian (old nomenclature)232.50232.80liivakivi
42E-16Ellavere borehole, JärvamaaLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)238.90239.20
43E-15Ellavere borehole, JärvamaaLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)254.70254.90
44E-14Ellavere borehole, JärvamaaLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)257.00257.10
45E-13Ellavere borehole, JärvamaaLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)258.30258.60
46E-12Ellavere borehole, JärvamaaLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)262.00262.20
47E-11Ellavere borehole, JärvamaaLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)310.00310.40liivakivi
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