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Belaústegui et al., 2013Belaústegui, Z., De gibert, J. M., Nebelsick, J. H., Domènech, R., Martinell, J.2013Clypeasteroid echinoid tests as benthic islands for gastrochaenid bivalve colonization: evidence from the Middle Miocene of Tarragona, north‐east Spain
Belaústegui et al., 2012Belaústegui, Z., de Gibert, J. M., Domènech, R., Muñiz, F., Martinell, J.2012Clavate borings in a Miocene cetacean skeleton from Tarragona (NE Spain) and the fossil record of marine bone bioerosion
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Becker, 1971Becker, G.1971On the biology, physiology and ecology of marine wood-boring crustaceans
Marine borers, fungi and fouling
Becker, 1959Becker, G.1959Biological investigations of marine borers in Berlin-Dahlem
Marine fouling and boring organisms
BAUMILLER et al., 2010bBaumiller, T. K., Marinovic, J. C., Tuura, M. E., Damstra, E. S., Miller, D. J.2010Signs of boring predation on Middle Devonian hyolithids from the Michigan Basin
Baumfalk et al., 1982Baumfalk, Y. A., Fortuin, A. R., Mok, R. P.1982Talpinella cunicularia n. gen., n. sp., a possible foraminiferal parasite of Late Cretaceous Orbitoides
Journal of Foraminiferal Research
Slater, 2025Slater, B. J.2025Cambrian carbonaceous protoconodonts and the early fossil record of the Chaetognatha
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
Kiessling et al., 2024Kiessling, W., Reddin, C. J., Dowding, E. M., Dimitrijević, D., Raja, N. B., Kocsis, Á. T.2024Marine biological responses to abrupt climate change in deep time
Baucon et al., 2025Baucon, A., Avanzini, M., de Carvalho, C. N., Belaústegui, Z., Preto, N., Breda, A.2025The earliest evidence of true crabs? Insights on the evolution of Brachyura from an exceptional exposure of Carnian Psilonichnus (Upper Triassic, Braies, Dolomites, Italy)
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Přibyl & Vaněk, 1980 (for 1978)Přibyl, A., Vaněk, J.1980Studie zu einigen neuen Trilobiten der Proetidae-Familie
Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Geologica
[ "Journal volume for 1978 but published in 1980." ]
Rowell & Henderson, 1978Rowell, A. J., Henderson, R. A.1978New genera of acrotretids from the Cambrian of Australia and the United States
University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions
Bauer, 1980Bauer, J. C.1980Observations on geographical variations in population density of the echinoid Diadema antillarum within the western North Atlantic
Bulletin of Marine Sciences
Batllori & Martinell Callicó, 2022Batllori, J., Martinell Callicó, J.2022Actividad predadora en moluscos del Mioceno del Penedès (Catalunya)
Spanish Journal of Palaeontology
10.7203/sjp.24775[ "Oichnus" ]
Batten Hender & Dix, 2006Batten Hender, K. L., Dix, G. R.2006Facies, geometry and geological significance of Late Ordovician (early Caradocian) coral bioherms: Lourdes Formation, western Newfoundland
Bathurst, 1977Bathurst, R. G. C.1977Ordovician Meiklejohn bioherm, Nevada
Geological Magazine
Bathurst, 1967Bathurst, R. G. C.1967Depth indicators in sedimentary carbonates
Marine Geology
Bather, 1909Bather, F. A.1909III.—Fossil Representatives of the Lithodomous Worm Polydora
Geological Magazine
Batters, 1902Batters, E. A. L.1902A catalogue of the British marine algae
Batters, 1892Batters, E. A. L.1892On Conchocelis, a new genus of perforating algae
Basso et al., 2009Basso, D., Nalin, R., Nelson, C. S.2009Shallow-water Sporolithon rhodoliths from North Island (New Zealand)
Bassi et al., 2011Bassi, D., Humblet, M., Iryu, Y.2011Recent ichnocoenosis in deep water macroids, Ryukyu Islands, Japan
Bartsch & Rehder, 1945Bartsch, P., Rehder, H. A.1945The West Atlantic boring mollusks of the genus Martesia
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections
Barthel, 1982Barthel, K. W.1982Lithophaga obesa (Philippi) reef-dwelling and cementing pelecypod – a survey of its boring
Proceedings 4th International Coral Reef Symposium
Barrows, 1919Barrows, A. L.1919The occurrence of a rock-boring isopod along the shore of San Francisco Bay, California
Barrows, 1917bBarrows, A. L.1917An unusual extension of the distribution of the shipworm in San Francisco Bay, California