Number J-3-41
Belongs to specimen417-220
LocalityJaama 3 borehole
Coordinates59.048197, 27.739439
Depth / thickness (m)213.3
Depth to213.4
StratigraphyLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)
LithostratigraphyLontova Formation
Stratigraphy freeCI lnS
Date collected1965-06-28
CollectorMens, Kaisa
RemarksSämi kihistik. A.Kleesmenti poolt polarisatsioonimikroskoobis tehtud foto leukokseeni terast anataasi pärjaga. Andmed Kleesmenti materjali juures.
InstitutionDepartment of Geology, TalTech
Date added2001-06-12
Date changed2018-12-14
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