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13476 results
Aksay phosphorite deposit, KazakhstanKazakhstan43.3669, 70.21660200
Aksi islandEstonia59.5997, 25.08970000
Aktash, KarzhantauUzbekistan41.6408, 69.76750300
Akulliarasiarsuk IgallikuDenmark0100
Al KhawdOman23.6346, 58.16280200
Al Mamzar BeachUnited Arab Emirates25.3211, 55.34640100
Ala 93 borehole, ValgamaaEstonia58.0123, 25.69401000
Ala 93A boreholeEstonia58.0126, 25.69020000
Ala K17 boreholeEstonia58.9596, 22.79793000
Ala K55 boreholeEstonia58.9552, 22.82730000
Ala, TrentinoItaly45.7583, 11.00560200
AlaidRussia50.8608, 155.56420100
Alais, AlèsFrance44.1167, 4.08330100
Alajõe boreholeEstonia59.0146, 27.42673000
Alajõe, Ida-VirumaaEstonia59.0066, 27.42540000
Alamusti, PõlvamaaEstonia58.1088, 26.91850000
AlaskaUnited States61.2167, -149.88330500
AlatauKyrgyzstan43.3575, 77.14440100
Alatskivi 422 boreholeEstonia58.5888, 27.14239421615
Alatskivi, TartumaaEstonia58.6038, 27.12990000
AlaverdiArmenia41.0969, 44.66280100
Alavere F-281 boreholeEstonia59.2465, 25.3478923847
Alban Hills, ItalyItaly41.7300, 12.69950100
Albano LazialeItaly41.7333, 12.66670400
AlbaradosMexico13.7000, -86.60000100
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