Name | Alaid |
Type | geographical place or area |
Country | Russia |
Elevation | 2339.00 |
Coordinates | 50.860833, 155.564167 |
Coordinate precision | 100-1000 m |
Coord. method | Wikipedia |
Coord. agent | Seppel, M. (Dupl ID 723) |
Location remarks | Atlasov / Alaid , is the northernmost island and volcano and also the highest volcano of the Kuril islands, part of the Sakhalin Oblast in Russia. |
Remarks | 50.860833, 155.564167; Alaid on tegevvulkaan Atlassovi saarel Ohhoota meres. Asub Kuriilide kirdeosas Lopatka neemest läänes. Alaid on Kuriilide kõrgeim vulkaan, selle kõrgus on 2339 m. Ta ulatub Ohhoota mere põhjast 2850–3000 meetrit kõrgemale. |
Date added | 2008-10-27 |
Date changed | 2016-02-06 |
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