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Apraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast
Depth (m)
GIT 772-345Orthisocrania curvicostaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast128.30128.45Jõhvi Substage
GIT 772-344Orthisocrania curvicostaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast128.30128.45Jõhvi Substage
GIT 362-327Amphorichnus papillatusApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast128.80Jõhvi Substage
GIT 831-86CyclocystoideaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast118.30118.40Keila Stage
GIT 831-85CyclocystoideaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast118.30118.40Keila Stage
GIT 831-84CyclocystoideaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast128.30128.45Haljala Stage
GIT 831-83CyclocystoideaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast128.30128.45Haljala Stage
GIT 831-82CyclocystoideaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast128.30128.45Haljala Stage
GIT 831-81CyclocystoideaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast172.15172.20Kukruse Stage
GIT 525-951PlatystrophiaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast128.30128.45Haljala Stage
GIT 575-104ConulariaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast191.40
GIT 575-103ConulariaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast191.40
GIT 575-102ConulariaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast191.40
GIT 575-101ConulariaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast191.40
GIT 433-19Oenonites tuberculatusApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast112.95Keila Stage
GIT 209-237SaukrodictyidaeApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast117.90118.00Keila Stage
GIT 831-162CyclocystoideaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast148.60148.65Idavere Substage
GIT 209-226SaukrodictyaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast118.30118.40Keila Stage
GIT 772-200Orthisocrania curvicostaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast128.30128.45Jõhvi Substage
GIT 485-365ProetidaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast128.30128.45Jõhvi Substage
GIT 543-1496ClinambonApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast128.30128.45Jõhvi Substage
GIT 540-97HaplosphaeronisApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast117.90118.00Keila Stage
GIT 209-225SaukrodictyaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast117.90118.00Keila Stage
GIT 459-154EstoniopsApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast117.90118.00Keila Stage
GIT 841-27LysophiurinaApraksin Bor 17 borehole, Leningrad Oblast118.30118.40Keila Stage
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