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Depth (m)
GIT 877-92aKjaerinaKrapivno 21 borehole170.50Keila Stage
GIT 877-65aStrophomenidaKrapivno 21 borehole174.80Keila Stage
GIT 877-66aClinambon anomalusKrapivno 21 borehole174.80Keila Stage
GIT 877-292AlichovellaKrapivno 21 borehole177.30Keila Stage
GIT 877-291ClinambonKrapivno 21 borehole177.30Keila Stage
GIT 877-107aClitambonitesKrapivno 21 borehole177.40Keila Stage
GIT 877-119aOrthidaeKrapivno 21 borehole178.80Keila Stage
GIT 877-256aStrophomenidaeKrapivno 21 borehole184.00Kukruse Stage
GIT 877-38aLeptaeninaeKrapivno 21 borehole187.00Kukruse Stage
GIT 877-290OnniellaKrapivno 21 borehole168.70Keila Stage
GIT 877-289PlatystrophiaKrapivno 21 borehole168.70Keila Stage
GIT 877-101-1PlatystrophiaKrapivno 21 borehole168.70Keila Stage
GIT 877-133aPlatystrophiaKrapivno 21 borehole168.50Keila Stage
GIT 153-178Krapivno 21 borehole217.10Idavere Substage
GIT 153-278Krapivno 21 borehole212.50Idavere Substage
GIT 153-300Krapivno 21 borehole227.50Idavere Substage
GIT 153-53AKrapivno 21 borehole246.10Kukruse Stage
GIT 153-312AKrapivno 21 borehole246.60Kukruse Stage
GIT 153-103AKrapivno 21 borehole211.90Idavere Substage
GIT 877-276CraniidaKrapivno 21 borehole169.70Keila Stage
GIT 877-275StrophomenidaKrapivno 21 borehole170.50Keila Stage
GIT 877-274PseudolingulaKrapivno 21 borehole161.80Keila Stage
GIT 877-273RafinesquininaeKrapivno 21 borehole161.70Keila Stage
GIT 877-272LingulidaKrapivno 21 borehole160.20Keila Stage
GIT 877-232-4BaltocrinusKrapivno 21 borehole174.50Keila Stage
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