NameKalana quarry
Typesurface mine
Coordinates58.719925, 26.031804
Coordinate precision1-10 m
Coord. methodEst Land Board map server
Coord. agentAaloe, Aasa
Location remarksUus Kalana karjäär, asub Põltsamaalt idas ja ca 1 km Kalana külakeskmest läänes. Kalana- Pisisaarde tee ääres. Klassikaline karjäär (vana karjäär) on 1-1,5 km kagu pool. EGF 3546. (The new Kalana quarry is located east of Põltsamaa and approx. 1 km west of Kalana village center. Near by Kalana- Pisisaarde road. The classic quarry (old quarry) is 1-1.5 km southeast. EGF 3546.)
Strat. topRaikküla Stage
Strat. baseRaikküla Stage
RemarksKalana (Otisaare) paekarjäär - üldpindala 16,34 ha (kaevandab AS Kaltsiit, toodab killustikku). Ehituslubjakivi aktiivne varu on 1846.300 tm3. Aastatoodang 75.000 tonni. Uus karjäär rajati 1990-date alguses vanadest murdudest pisut kirdes, toodetakse killustikku. Uue karjääri kivim ei ole dolomiidistunud. (Kalana (Otisaare) limestone quarry - total area 16.34 ha (excavated by AS Kaltsiit, produces crushed stone). The active reserve of building limestone is 1846,300tm3, with an annual production of 75,000 tons. A new quarry was built in the early 1990s, a little to the northeast of the old quarries; crushed stone is produced. The rock of the new quarry is not dolomitized.)
Date added2009-08-06
Date changed2024-07-17
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