Fossil group
Parent taxon
Occurrence based on
AgnathaParalogania martinssoni (Gross, 1967)Paralogania
identification from sample
AgnathaThelodus Agassiz, 1838Coelolepididae
identification from sample
AgnathaThelodus Agassiz, 1838Coelolepididae
identification from sample
AgnathaThelodus carinatus (Pander, 1856)Thelodus
identification from sample
AgnathaThelodus laevis (Pander, 1856)Thelodus
identification from sample
AgnathaVesikulepis funiforma Blom, Märss et Miller, 2002Vesikulepis
identification from sample
ChelicerataEurypterus DeKay, 1825Eurypteridae
collection specimen
ChelicerataEurypterus DeKay, 1825Eurypteridae
collection specimen
ChelicerataEurypterus remipes DeKay, 1825Eurypterus
collection specimen
ChelicerataEurypterus tetragonophthalmus Fischer, 1839Eurypterus
collection specimen
ConodontaCtenognathodus Fay, 1959Conodonta
collection specimen
ConodontaCtenognathodus murchisoni (Pander, 1856)Ctenognathodus
collection specimen
ConodontaOzarkodina Branson et Mehl, 1933Conodonta
collection specimen
ConodontaOzarkodina Branson et Mehl, 1933Conodonta
collection specimen
ConodontaOzarkodina confluens (Branson et Mehl, 1933)Ozarkodina
collection specimen
ConodontaOzarkodina soegina Viira et Einasto, 2003Ozarkodina
collection specimen
ConodontaOzarkodina soegina Viira et Einasto, 2003Ozarkodina
collection specimen
ConodontaOzarkodina soegina Viira et Einasto, 2003Ozarkodina
ConodontaOzarkodina wimani Jeppsson, 1975Ozarkodina
collection specimen
ConodontaOzarkodina wimani Jeppsson, 1975Ozarkodina
IchnofossilsChondrites Sternberg, 1833Soft-sediment trace fossils
collection specimen
PlantaeParachaetetes compactus (Billings, 1862)Parachaetetes
collection specimen
PlantaeParachaetetes compactus (Billings, 1862)Parachaetetes
PoriferaStromatopora Goldfuss, 1826Stromatoporidae
collection specimen
TabulataParastriatopora commutabilis Klaamann, 1962Parastriatopora
collection specimen
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