Ohesaare cliff
General info
Name Ohesaare cliff
Type outcrop
Country Estonia
Parish Torgu
Settlement Ohessaare
Latitude 58.000405
Longitude 22.019223
Coordinate system EPSG:3301
X 6430509
Y 382889
Coordinate precision 1-10 m
Coord. method Est Land Board map server
Coord. agent Hints, Olle
Location remarks Sõrve poolsaare läänerannikul Ohesaare küla lähedal. Panga pikkus 700 m, kõrgus 3,5 m; koordinaadid määratud neemiku tipust (On the west coast of the Sõrve peninsula, near the village of Ohesaare. Bank length 700 m, height 3.5 m; coordinates from the top of the designated headland)
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Geoloogilist läbilõiget 4,3 m, paljanduvad Ohesaare lademe kõige alumised kihid. Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 7 : 4. Pank on 1959.a-st looduskaitse all, 1996. a-st Ohesaare maastikukaitseala koosseisus. (Geological section 4.3 m, the lowest layers of the Ohesaare deposit are exposed. Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 7 : 4. The bank has been under nature protection since 1959, and part of the Ohesaare landscape protection area since 1996.)
Date added 2001-02-27
Date changed 2024-02-28
Fossil groupTaxonParent taxonOccurrence based on
Acanthodii Gomphonchus hoppei (Gross, 1947) Gomphonchus
Acanthodii Gomphonchus hoppei (Gross, 1947) Gomphonchus
identification from sample
Acanthodii Gomphonchus sandelensis (Pander, 1856) Gomphonchus
collection specimen
Acanthodii Gomphonchus sandelensis (Pander, 1856) Gomphonchus
Acanthodii Gomphonchus sandelensis (Pander, 1856) Gomphonchus
identification from sample
Acanthodii Nostolepis gracilis Gross, 1947 Nostolepis
collection specimen
Acanthodii Nostolepis gracilis Gross, 1947 Nostolepis
identification from sample
Acanthodii Nostolepis striata Pander, 1856 Nostolepis
collection specimen
Acanthodii Nostolepis striata Pander, 1856 Nostolepis
Acanthodii Nostolepis striata Pander, 1856 Nostolepis
identification from sample
Acanthodii Poracanthodes Brotzen, 1934 Poracanthodidae
collection specimen
Acanthodii Poracanthodes punctatus Brotzen, 1934 Poracanthodes
collection specimen
Acanthodii Poracanthodes punctatus Brotzen, 1934 Poracanthodes
Acanthodii Poracanthodes sulcatus Valiukevičius, 2004 Poracanthodes
collection specimen
Agnatha Goniporus alatus (Gross, 1947) Goniporus
Agnatha Katoporus grossi Karatajūtė-Talimaa, 1970 Katoporus
Agnatha Loganellia cuneata (Gross, 1947) Loganellia
identification from sample
Agnatha Ohesaareaspis ponticulata Märss, Afanassieva et Blom, 2014 Ohesaareaspis
collection specimen
Agnatha Ohesaareaspis ponticulata Märss, Afanassieva et Blom, 2014 Ohesaareaspis
Agnatha Oniscolepis dentata Pander, 1856 Oniscolepis
Agnatha Oniscolepis dentata Pander, 1856 Oniscolepis
identification from sample
Agnatha Strosipherus Pander, 1856 Eriptychiidae
collection specimen
Agnatha Strosipherus indentatus Pander, 1856 Strosipherus
collection specimen
Agnatha Thelodus parvidens Agassiz, 1839 Thelodus
identification from sample
Agnatha Thelodus traquairi Gross, 1967 Thelodus