Name | Ohesaare cliff |
Type | outcrop |
Country | Estonia |
Parish | Torgu |
Settlement | Ohessaare |
Coordinates | 58.000405, 22.019223 |
Coordinate system | EPSG:3301 |
X | 6430509 |
Y | 382889 |
Coordinate precision | 1-10 m |
Coord. method | Est Land Board map server |
Coord. agent | Hints, Olle |
Location remarks | Sõrve poolsaare läänerannikul Ohesaare küla lähedal. Panga pikkus 700 m, kõrgus 3,5 m; koordinaadid määratud neemiku tipust (On the west coast of the Sõrve peninsula, near the village of Ohesaare. Bank length 700 m, height 3.5 m; coordinates from the top of the designated headland) |
Strat. top | Ohesaare Stage |
Strat. base | Ohesaare Stage |
Remarks | Geoloogilist läbilõiget 4,3 m, paljanduvad Ohesaare lademe kõige alumised kihid. Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 7 : 4. Pank on 1959.a-st looduskaitse all, 1996. a-st Ohesaare maastikukaitseala koosseisus. (Geological section 4.3 m, the lowest layers of the Ohesaare deposit are exposed. Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 7 : 4. The bank has been under nature protection since 1959, and part of the Ohesaare landscape protection area since 1996.) |
Date added | 2001-02-27 |
Date changed | 2024-08-19 |
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