Name | Jaagarahu quarrys |
Type | outcrop |
Country | Estonia |
Parish | Kihelkonna |
Settlement | Kurevere |
Coordinates | 58.407139, 21.963211 |
Coordinate precision | 10-100 m |
Coord. method | Est Land Board map server |
Coord. agent | Aaloe, Aasa |
Location remarks | 6 km Kihelkonnalt loodes, Jaagarahu sadamast põhja pool. Vanad murrud, veega täitunud, tööd lõpetatud. (6 km northwest of Kihelkonna, north of Jaagarahu harbour. Old fractures, filled with water, work completed.) |
Strat. top | Jaagarahu Stage |
Strat. base | Jaagarahu Stage |
Remarks | Jaagarahu lademe ja kihistu stratotüüp.1930. a-tel murti puhast lubja- ja dolokivi ekspordiks Rootsi, Soome, Poolasse, Saksamaale jm. EÜR, Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 6 : 3. (Stratotype of Jaagarahu Stage and Formation. In the 1930s pure limestone and dolostone were quarried for export to Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany, etc. EÜR, Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 6 : 3.) |
Date changed | 2024-02-28 |
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