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Kotlin Stage
Depth (m)
Date collected
144072Metsküla F-198 borehole229.00Kotlin StagePirrus, Enn
144071Metsküla F-198 borehole227.50Kotlin StagePirrus, Enn
144070Metsküla F-198 borehole224.70Kotlin StagePirrus, Enn
139184JP16-25Värska 6 borehole584.00Gdov FormationPärn, Joonas2016-08-25
139183JP16-24Värska 6 borehole580.70581.00Kotlin FormationPärn, Joonas2016-08-25
139182JP16-23Värska 6 borehole552.00Kotlin FormationPärn, Joonas2016-08-25
139179JP16-20Saunaküla F-165 borehole190.00Gdov FormationPärn, Joonas2016-08-25
139178JP16-19Saunaküla F-165 borehole174.00Gdov FormationPärn, Joonas2016-08-25
139177JP16-18Saunaküla F-165 borehole151.50152.00Kotlin FormationPärn, Joonas2016-08-25
139176JP16-17Saunaküla F-165 borehole138.50139.00Kotlin FormationPärn, Joonas2016-08-25
139175JP16-16Saunaküla F-165 borehole130.00Voronka FormationPärn, Joonas2016-08-25
139174JP16-15Saunaküla F-165 borehole115.00Voronka FormationPärn, Joonas2016-08-25
137514KS69Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast263.80Kotlin StageGuilbaud
137512KS102Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast340.00Kotlin StageGuilbaud
137502KS131Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast418.40Gdov FormationGuilbaud
137501KS130Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast416.60Gdov FormationGuilbaud
137500KS129Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast411.40Gdov FormationGuilbaud
137499KS128Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast409.50Gdov FormationGuilbaud
137498KS127Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast407.00Gdov FormationGuilbaud
137497KS126Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast396.10Kotlin StageGuilbaud
137496KS125Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast393.00Kotlin StageGuilbaud
137495KS124Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast391.30Kotlin StageGuilbaud
137494KS123Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast390.00Kotlin StageGuilbaud
137493KS122Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast388.20Kotlin StageGuilbaud
137492KS121Kostovo 13 borehole, Leningrad Oblast388.00Kotlin StageGuilbaud
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