Number 76286
Number | 76286 |
Old number | 1223 |
Locality | Aluksne 99 borehole |
Coordinates | 57.40821, 26.91148 |
Elevation | 183.00 |
Depth (m) | 634.6 |
Stratigraphy | Tilze Stage |
Stratigraphy free | Gargzdai seeria |
Date collected | 1971 |
Collector | Kleesment |
Remarks | Eraldatud raskest fraktsioonist >0.1mm on V.Talimaa poolt määratud järgmised fossiilid: Traquairaspis sp., Strosipherus sp., Corvaspis sp.?, Katoporus sp. (väikesed soomused Trimerolepis lithuanica tüüpi),Goniporus alatus (Gross), Logania guneata (Gross)Nosolepis striata Pand., N.gracilis Gross, Gomphonchus sandelensis(Pand.). |
Institution | Department of Geology, TalTech |
Date added | 2006-04-06 |
Date changed | 2013-08-12 |
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