Number 307-11
Belongs to specimen417-1033
LocalityRumba 307 borehole
Coordinates58.739475, 24.077278
Depth / thickness (m)331
Depth to332.3
StratigraphyLower Cambrian (old nomenclature)
LithostratigraphyVoosi Formation
Stratigraphy freeVoosi Formation
Date collected1974
CollectorMens, Kaisa
RemarksKasari kihistik. A.Kleesmenti poolt polarisatsioonimikroskoobis tehtud fotod turmaliini ja granaadi teradest. Film olemas. Andmed Kleesmenti materjali juures.
InstitutionDepartment of Geology, TalTech
Date added2001-06-12
Date changed2018-12-14
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