Krasnoyarsk, Novosyolovsky District
NameKrasnoyarsk, Novosyolovsky District
Coordinates54.9, 91.8
Coordinate precision1-10 km
Coord. agentIsakar, Mare
Location remarksKrasnoyarsk meteorite, Novosyolovsky District, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia 'Pallas Iron' is a synonym of Krasnojarsk; 'Krasnojarsk' (stony-iron pallasite) PAL; Krasnoyarsk Territor, Russia, 54° 54' N / 91° 48' E; 54.9, 91.8. Find 1749
RemarksKoordinaadid: The Catalogue of Meteorites Natural History Museum
Date added2015-01-12
Date changed2023-01-23
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