NameReinu Quarry
Typesurface mine
Coordinates59.087299, 24.73768
Coordinate precision1-10 m
Coord. methodEst Land Board map server
Location remarksKoigi külast 1,8 km loodes; Äherdi külast 1,6 km põhjas. Karjääri teatakse ka Koigi karjäärina. (1.8 km northwest of Koigi village; 1.6 km north of Äherdi village. The quarry is also known as Koigi quarry.)
Strat. topJuuru Stage
Strat. basePirgu Stage
RemarksKarjäär kuulub Rapla Teed OÜ-le; Eksp. 3.05.2012. (The quarry belongs to Rapla Teed OÜ; Exp. 3.05.2012)
Date added2012-05-04
Date changed2024-03-08
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