Name | Ungru |
Type | geographical place or area |
Country | Estonia |
Parish | Ridala |
Coordinates | 58.917779, 23.481595 |
Coord. method | Google Maps / Earth |
Coord. agent | Aaloe, Aasa |
Location remarks | Schmidt, 1858, 148: Etwa 2 Werst südlich von Linden, nahe am Meerestrande, beim Dorfe Pasko (Pusku), in dem grossen Linden'schen Steinbruche |
Strat. base | Juuru Stage |
Remarks | Haapsalu-Rohuküla mnt ääres oleva Ungru mõisa (lossi) koordinaadid |
Date added | 2005-10-21 |
Date changed | 2024-11-27 |
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