NameTartu cementary outcrop
Coordinates58.394974, 26.711536
Coordinate precision1-10 m
Coord. methodEst Land Board map server
Coord. agentKleesment
Location remarksEmajõe ürgoru vasakul veerul Uus-Jaani ja Vana-Peetri kalmistu all. Ujula tänav jagab paljandi kahte ossa. Koordinaadid Ujula tn otsa kohalt. Looduskaitse all 1957. a. Outcrop is situated on the left slope of the Emajõgi River valley near Uus-Jaani and Vana-Peetri cementaries. Ujula Street divides the outcrop into two parts. The coordinates are taken from the end of the Ujula Street. Under nature protection since 1957.
Strat. topAruküla Stage
Strat. baseAruküla Stage
RemarksKõrgem ja huvitavam 85 m pikkune ja ca 4,5 m kõrgune paljandilõik asub Ujula tänavast linna pool. Aruküla lademe tüüpläbilõige. Hea ligipääs. The higher and more interesting 85 m long and approx. 4.5 m high outcrop section is located on the city side of Ujula Street. Typical section of the Aruküla Regional Stage. Good access.
Date added2003-09-22
Date changed2024-07-02
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