General info
Name Fjäcka
Type outcrop
Country Sweden
Latitude 61.128745
Longitude 15.125128
Coord. method Google Maps / Earth
Coord. agent Aaloe, Aasa
Location remarks Natural exposure cut by Fjäckan (Molda) stream near the village of Dalbyn in the Siljan District of the Dalarna Province, Sweden. Ca 1,8 km SW of Ore church
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks The now partly overgrown but still easily accessible section at the mill-race at Fjäcka, which is here referred to as the Fjäcka main section following Jaanusson (1963b), has figured prominently in not only Swedish,but international, biostratigraphy and paleontology.
Date added 2001-09-10
Date changed 2016-01-06