Name | Katri cliff |
Type | outcrop |
Country | Estonia |
Parish | Lümanda |
Coordinates | 58.23547, 21.97226 |
Coordinate precision | 10-100 m |
Coord. method | GPS |
Coord. agent | Hints, Olle |
Location remarks | Saaremaa läänerannal, Karala külast 4 km lõunasse, mere ääres. Panga pikkus 100m, kõrgus 1m |
Strat. top | Paadla Stage |
Strat. base | Paadla Stage |
Remarks | Katri kihistiku stratotüüp; Rikkaliku ja mitmekesise faunaga biostroom, mille koostises on stromatopoore, tabulaate, rugoose, brahhiopoode |
Date added | 2001-02-23 |
Date changed | 2022-02-17 |
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