Gussev 1 borehole, Kaliningrad oblast
Fossil group
Parent taxon
Occurrence based on
AcanthodiiAcanthodes Agassiz, 1833Acanthodidae
collection specimen
AcanthodiiAcanthodes Agassiz, 1833Acanthodidae
collection specimen
AcanthodiiAcanthodes Agassiz, 1833Acanthodidae
identification from sample
AcanthodiiAcanthodes Agassiz, 1833Acanthodidae
identification from sample
AcanthodiiGomphonchus Gross, 1971Ischnacanthidae
identification from sample
AcanthodiiGomphonchus Gross, 1971Ischnacanthidae
identification from sample
AcanthodiiGomphonchus hoppei (Gross, 1947)Gomphonchus
collection specimen
AcanthodiiGomphonchus hoppei (Gross, 1947)Gomphonchus
identification from sample
AcanthodiiGomphonchus hoppei (Gross, 1947)Gomphonchus
identification from sample
AcanthodiiGomphonchus sandelensis (Pander, 1856)Gomphonchus
identification from sample
AcanthodiiGomphonchus sandelensis (Pander, 1856)Gomphonchus
identification from sample
AcanthodiiNostolepis Pander, 1856Climatiidae
collection specimen
AcanthodiiNostolepis alta Märss, 1986Nostolepis
identification from sample
AcanthodiiNostolepis alta Märss, 1986Nostolepis
identification from sample
AcanthodiiNostolepis arctica Vieth, 1980Nostolepis
identification from sample
AcanthodiiNostolepis gracilis Gross, 1947Nostolepis
identification from sample
AcanthodiiNostolepis gracilis Gross, 1947Nostolepis
identification from sample
AcanthodiiNostolepis robusta (Brotzen, 1934)Nostolepis
identification from sample
AcanthodiiNostolepis striata Pander, 1856Nostolepis
identification from sample
AcanthodiiNostolepis striata Pander, 1856Nostolepis
identification from sample
AcanthodiiPoracanthodes Brotzen, 1934Poracanthodidae
identification from sample
AcanthodiiPoracanthodes Brotzen, 1934Poracanthodidae
identification from sample
AcanthodiiPoracanthodes punctatus Brotzen, 1934Poracanthodes
identification from sample
AcanthodiiPoracanthodes punctatus Brotzen, 1934Poracanthodes
identification from sample
AgnathaBoreania minima Karatajūtė-Talimaa, 1985Boreania
identification from sample
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