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Depth (m)
GIT 673-404RhactorthisPiilse 7909 borehole10.3511.15Oandu Stage
GIT 619-51Porambonites (Porambonites) wesenbergensisPiilse 7909 borehole10.7010.85Oandu Stage
GIT 619-65PorambonitesPiilse 7909 borehole12.0012.40Oandu Stage
GIT 737-47PseudopholidopsPiilse 7909 borehole10.7010.85Oandu Stage
GIT 736-23AnazygaPiilse 7909 borehole12.5712.68Oandu Stage
GIT 736-22AnazygaPiilse 7909 borehole12.0012.40Oandu Stage
GIT 675-455SowerbyellaPiilse 7909 borehole12.5012.57Oandu Stage
GIT 675-451SowerbyellaPiilse 7909 borehole11.3611.45Oandu Stage
GIT 675-450SowerbyellaPiilse 7909 borehole11.2811.36Oandu Stage
GIT 676-77Howellites wesenbergensisPiilse 7909 borehole11.4511.55Oandu Stage
GIT 673-401HesperorthisPiilse 7909 borehole10.3511.15Oandu Stage
GIT 674-326KjaerinaPiilse 7909 borehole11.4511.50Oandu Stage
GIT 675-510SowerbyellaPiilse 7909 borehole11.9012.00Oandu Stage
GIT 676-131HowellitesPiilse 7909 borehole11.9012.00Oandu Stage
GIT 675-509SowerbyellaPiilse 7909 borehole11.9012.00Oandu Stage
GIT 676-128DalmanellidaePiilse 7909 borehole11.1511.28Oandu Stage
GIT 676-127Piilse 7909 borehole11.4511.55Oandu Stage
GIT 673-403RhactorthisPiilse 7909 borehole10.3511.15Oandu Stage
GIT 736-21AnazygaPiilse 7909 borehole11.8011.90Oandu Stage
GIT 676-125Piilse 7909 borehole11.4511.55Oandu Stage
GIT 676-124Piilse 7909 borehole12.9813.08Oandu Stage
GIT 737-59PseudopholidopsPiilse 7909 borehole11.1511.28Oandu Stage
GIT 737-58PseudopholidopsPiilse 7909 borehole11.9012.00Oandu Stage
GIT 674-315Trigrammaria minimaPiilse 7909 borehole12.4012.50Oandu Stage
GIT 525-665Platystrophia crassoplicata ravaPiilse 7909 borehole12.5712.68Oandu Stage
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