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Savala borehole
Depth (m)
GIT 619-101PorambonitesSavala borehole25.4625.60Kukruse Stage
GIT 677-184LeptaenaSavala borehole10.28Idavere Substage
GIT 620-160Paucicrura navisSavala borehole16.5516.62Kukruse Stage
GIT 677-28BrachiopodaSavala borehole52.2352.27Aseri Stage
GIT 677-21ChristianiaSavala borehole52.2352.27Aseri Stage
GIT 675-1240Bilobia muscaSavala borehole20.6620.72Kukruse Stage
GIT 149-208CremnorthisSavala borehole3.003.10Haljala Stage
GIT 149-207CremnorthisSavala borehole3.503.52Haljala Stage
GIT 207-1908Paucicrura navisSavala borehole16.5516.62Kukruse Stage
GIT 207-1912Paucicrura navisSavala borehole18.0518.09Kukruse Stage
GIT 207-1911Paucicrura navisSavala borehole17.6217.67Kukruse Stage
GIT 207-1910Paucicrura navisSavala borehole17.2717.38Kukruse Stage
GIT 207-1909Paucicrura navisSavala borehole16.5418.63Kukruse Stage
GIT 207-1907Paucicrura navisSavala borehole16.5216.55Kukruse Stage
GIT 207-1906Paucicrura navisSavala borehole16.3216.34Kukruse Stage
GIT 207-1905Paucicrura navisSavala borehole15.7515.85Kukruse Stage
GIT 207-1904Paucicrura navisSavala borehole15.6615.75Kukruse Stage
GIT 543-1437KullervoSavala borehole16.5216.55Kukruse Stage
GIT 525-916Platystrophia crassoplicata ravaSavala borehole25.4625.60Kukruse Stage
GIT 675-1020Bilobia muscaSavala borehole6.006.07Jõhvi Substage
GIT 675-1019Bilobia muscaSavala borehole6.006.07Jõhvi Substage
GIT 675-1018EoplectodontaSavala borehole10.28Idavere Substage
GIT 619-132Porambonites (Equirostra) deformatusSavala borehole38.6738.72Uhaku Stage
GIT 543-1364VellamoSavala borehole37.6237.67Uhaku Stage
GIT 543-1363Savala borehole40.1340.21Uhaku Stage
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