Jaagarahu quarrys
General info
Name Jaagarahu quarrys
Type outcrop
Country Estonia
Parish Kihelkonna
Settlement Kurevere
Latitude 58.407139
Longitude 21.963211
Coordinate precision 10-100 m
Coord. method Est Land Board map server
Coord. agent Aaloe, Aasa
Location remarks 6 km Kihelkonnalt loodes, Jaagarahu sadamast põhja pool. Vanad murrud, veega täitunud, tööd lõpetatud. (6 km northwest of Kihelkonna, north of Jaagarahu harbour. Old fractures, filled with water, work completed.)
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Jaagarahu lademe ja kihistu stratotüüp.1930. a-tel murti puhast lubja- ja dolokivi ekspordiks Rootsi, Soome, Poolasse, Saksamaale jm. EÜR, Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 6 : 3. (Stratotype of Jaagarahu Stage and Formation. In the 1930s pure limestone and dolostone were quarried for export to Sweden, Finland, Poland, Germany, etc. EÜR, Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 6 : 3.)
Date changed 2024-02-28