Päri quarry
General info
Name Päri quarry
Type outcrop
Country Estonia
Parish Kullamaa
Settlement Päri
Elevation 24.00
Latitude 58.840459
Longitude 24.042791
Coordinate system EPSG:3301
X 6522346
Y 502471
Coordinate precision 1-10 m
Coord. method GPS
Coord. agent Hints, Olle
Location remarks 5 km Kullamaa külast edelas mööda Tln-Virtsu mnt-d, Turpla bussipeatusest Päri-Jõgisoo teeristil. H.N. päevik 1: asub mäel vana Päri mõisa juures, alvar. (5 km southwest of Kullamaa village along the Tallinn-Virtsu highway, from the Turpla bus stop on the Päri-Jõgisoo road. H.N.fieldnote 1: located on the hill near the old Päri manor, alvar.)
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Päri karjäär on Adavere lademe ja Rumba kihistu neostratotüüp. Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 8 : 1. (The Päri quarry is a neostratotype of the Adavere Stage and the Rumba Formation. Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 8 : 1).
Date changed 2024-02-27
IDSample numberDepthDepth toMethodMethod detailsPerson/InstitutionDate
75767 acid extraction (micropaleontology) äädikhape Viira, Viive