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Fossil group
Parent taxon
Occurrence based on
ChitinozoaAncyrochitina Eisenack, 1955Ancyrochitininae
collection specimen
ChitinozoaAncyrochitina ancyrea (Eisenack, 1931)Ancyrochitina
collection specimen
ChitinozoaAncyrochitina rumbaensis Nestor, 1994Ancyrochitina
collection specimen
ChitinozoaBursachitina conica (Taugourdeau et de Jekhowsky, 1964)Bursachitina
collection specimen
ChitinozoaConochitina Eisenack, 1931Conochitininae
collection specimen
ChitinozoaConochitina emmastensis Nestor, 1982Conochitina
collection specimen
ChitinozoaConochitina praeproboscifera Nestor, 1994Conochitina
collection specimen
ChitinozoaPlectochitina ralphi Nestor, 1994Plectochitina
collection specimen
ChitinozoaPlectochitina ralphi Nestor, 1994Plectochitina
EchinodermataCyclocystoides Salter et Billings, 1858Cyclocystoididae
collection specimen
EunicidaAtraktoprion Kielan-Jaworowska, 1962Atraktoprionidae
identification from sample
EunicidaKalloprion Kielan-Jaworowska, 1962Kalloprionidae
identification from sample
EunicidaKettnerites Zebera, 1935Paulinitidae
identification from sample
EunicidaKozlowskiprion Kielan-Jaworowska, 1966Polychaetaspidae
identification from sample
EunicidaLeptoprion Kielan-Jaworowska, 1966Kalloprionidae
identification from sample
EunicidaMochtyella Kielan-Jaworowska, 1961Mochtyellidae
identification from sample
EunicidaMochtyella duplicidentata Szaniawski, 1970Mochtyella
identification from sample
EunicidaMochtyella fragilis Szaniawski, 1970Mochtyella
identification from sample
EunicidaSkalenoprion Kielan-Jaworowska, 1962Skalenoprionidae
identification from sample
EunicidaSkalenoprion bugensis Szaniawski, 1970Skalenoprion
identification from sample
EunicidaVistulella kozlowskii Kielan-Jaworowska, 1961Vistulella
identification from sample
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