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Fossil group
Parent taxon
Occurrence based on
Animalia incertae sedisMarcusodictyon priscum (Bassler, 1911)Marcusodictyon
BrachiopodaAntigonambonites Öpik, 1934Gonambonitidae
collection specimen
BrachiopodaAntigonambonites Öpik, 1934Gonambonitidae
collection specimen
BrachiopodaAntigonambonites planus (Pander, 1830)Antigonambonites
collection specimen
BrachiopodaClitambonites adscendens (Pander, 1830)Clitambonites
collection specimen
BrachiopodaEoporambonites latus (Pander, 1830)Eoporambonites
collection specimen
BrachiopodaGonambonites Pander, 1830Gonambonitidae
collection specimen
BrachiopodaGonambonites inflexus Pander, 1830Gonambonites
collection specimen
BrachiopodaIngria Öpik, 1930Plectambonitinae
collection specimen
BrachiopodaIngria nefedyevi (Eichwald, 1845)Ingria
collection specimen
BrachiopodaKeyserlingia buchii (Verneuil, 1845)Keyserlingia
collection specimen
BrachiopodaLingula Bruguière, 1797Lingulidae
collection specimen
BrachiopodaLycophoria Lahusen, 1885Lycophoriidae
collection specimen
BrachiopodaLycophoria globosa (Eichwald, 1829)Lycophoria
collection specimen
BrachiopodaObolus Eichwald, 1829Obolinae
collection specimen
BrachiopodaOrthambonites Pander, 1830Orthidae
collection specimen
BrachiopodaPaurorthis parva (Pander, 1830)Paurorthis
collection specimen
BrachiopodaPlectella uncinata (Pander, 1830)Plectella
collection specimen
BrachiopodaPorambonites (Porambonites) intercedens Pander, 1830Porambonites (Porambonites)
collection specimen
BrachiopodaRanorthis Öpik, 1939Ranorthidae
collection specimen
BrachiopodaRaunites Öpik, 1939Gonambonitidae
collection specimen
BrachiopodaRaunites strophomenoides (Öpik, 1934)Raunites
collection specimen
BrachiopodaRogorthis pakriensis (Rubel, 1961)Rogorthis
collection specimen
BrachiopodaRogorthis pakriensis (Rubel, 1961)Rogorthis
BrachiopodaSiphonotreta Verneuil, 1845Siphonotretidae
collection specimen
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