Eesti turbageoloogia andmebaas
General info
Title Eesti turbageoloogia andmebaas
Title translated Peat geology database of Estonia
Authors Orru, Mall
DOI 10.15152/GEO.487
Copyright Eesti Geoloogiakeskus (EGK)
Licence ODC-BY
Date added 2020-02-04
Date changed 2020-05-22
Analysed parameters looduslik niiskus [%]
AnalysisSample numberLocalityStratigraphyMethodLab
144954 145668 Lehtma_3 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144955 145669 Lehtma_11 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144956 145670 Lehtma_11 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144957 145671 Lehtma_11 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144958 145672 Lehtma_11 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144959 145673 Lehtma_22 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144960 145674 Lehtma_75 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144961 145675 Lehtma_75 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144962 145676 Lehtma_75 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144963 145677 Lehtma_75 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144964 145678 Lehtma_75 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144965 145679 Lehtma_75 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144966 145680 Kodeste_17 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144967 145681 Kodeste_17 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144968 145682 Kodeste_17 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144969 145683 Kodeste_17 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144970 145684 Kodeste_17 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144971 145685 Kodeste_17 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144972 145686 Kodeste_17 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144973 145687 Kodeste_17 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144974 145691 Kodeste_30 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144975 145692 Kodeste_30 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144976 145693 Kodeste_30 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144977 145694 Hirmuste_9 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab
144978 145695 Hirmuste_12 Holocene Peat moisture and ash content EGK Peat Lab