Kõivasoo peat area
NameKõivasoo peat area
AreaKõivasoo peat area
Size (ha)39
Deposit (ha)31
EGF5135| 5248| 7329
Peat area planKõivasoo.tif
Date added2020-01-07
Date changed2021-04-01

Kõivasoo is located in Hiiu County on the Kõpu Peninsula, 0.3 km south of the Ristna-Kärdla road. The peat formed by terrestrialisation of a shallow remnant lake. Feeds on groundwater and precipitation. The peat lies on sand.  Wooded bog and fen woodland spread in the peatland. The area of Kõivasoo is 39 ha from which eutrophic peat layer is in the 31 ha  and oligotrophic peat in 8 ha. Peat deposit area is  20 ha : 0.03 million tons of peat reserve are economic probable reserves  of well-decomposed peat (Orru, 1995). Well-decomposed (38%) is wood peat, thickness 1.10 m, ash content is 9.7%, moisture content is 88%. The upper part of the peat deposit consists of well-decomposed pine-heather and the lower part of the transitional reed peat, thickness 1.2 m, ash content is 3.7%, moisture content is 90%. The thickness of the lake mud is 0,005 m (Allikvee et al., 1972). It is recommended to leave it in a natural state. Not included in the list of peatlands prepared by the Ministry of the Environment (Regulation no.87; 27.12.2016).

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