Osja peat area
NameOsja peat area
AreaOsja peat area
Size (ha)300
Deposit (ha)166
EGF5135| 5248| 7329
Peat area planPihla_Määvli_Loopsoo_Osja.tif
Date added2020-01-07
Date changed2021-04-01

Peatland is located in the central part of Hiiu county, 9 km northwest of Käina, 2 km west of Kärdla-Käina road. The peatland formed by paludification, feeds on groundwater, the recipient is the Kärdla stream. Peat lies on loam. The fen woodland grows in the Osja peatland. The area of the peatland is 300 ha, of which 166 ha is peat deposit. The well-decomposed peat of 0.49 million  tons is all economic probable reserves  (Orru, 1995). The peat layers there are well (42%) and moderately (28%) decomposed mesotrophic and eutrophic  sedge- Sphagnum, wood-reed  peat.  The thickness of the deposit is 1.90 ... 2.10 m, ash content  is 7.8%, moisture  content is 90% (Allikvee et al., 1972; Orru et al., 1988).  It is recommended to leave the deposit in a natural state. Does not belongs in the Ministery of  the Environment list of peatlands suitable for peat excaction (Regulation no. 87; 27. 12. 2016).

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