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Analysis (density and porosity analysis) from sample 110609
Methoddensity and porosity analysis
Person/InstitutionJõeleht, Argo
Sample number
RemarksAll petrophysical measurements were carried out in the laboratories of the Geological Survey of Finland at room temperature and pressure. Samples were cut from drillcores, their sizes were typically between 50 and 200 cm3, but in some cases more than 300 cm3. Density and porosity properties were measured in water saturation after soaking in tap water for 3–6 days. The water saturation curves have proven that 75–90% of the interconnected pores in crystalline rocks are generally saturated in 3 days (Kivekäs 1993). In comparison to crystalline rocks, the sedimentary rocks usually have much higher hydraulic conductivity, which decreases the saturation time. Some relatively loose samples were only partially immersed in water during the saturation time. However, these samples are also believed to be saturated due to the capillary fringe forces and the longer soaking time (4–8 days) in a closed box. Density and porosity were determined using weighing in air and water. For grain density and porosity, samples were dried at 105°C for 3–5 days. The uncertainty for density measurements is 5 kgm–3, and for porosity measurements 0.05 vol%, respectively.
ReferenceShogenova et al., 2003b
LocalityRuhnu 500 borehole
StratigraphyOhesaare Stage
LithostratigraphyOhesaare Formation
InstitutionDepartment of Geology, TalTech
Date added2013-10-28
Date changed2014-01-10
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