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Journal / Book
An et al., 1985An, T., Zhang, A., Xu, J.1985Ordovician conodonts from Yaoxian and Fuping, Shaanxi Province, and their stratigraphic significance
Acta Geologica Sinica
Li, Z.-M. & Li, D.-Q., 1985Li, Z.-M., Li, D.-Q.1985Appendispinograptus, a new subgenus of Climacograptus
Earth Sciences—Journal of Wuhan Cóllege of Geology
Legrand-Blain, 1985Legrand-Blain, M.1985A new genus of Carboniferous spiriferid brachiopod from Scotland
Pittau, 1985Pittau, P.1985Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) acritarchs of the Arburese Unit, Southwest Sardinia (Italy)
Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana
Savage, 1985Savage, N. M.1985Silurian (Llandovery-Wenlock) conodonts from the base of the Heceta Limestone, southeastern Alaska
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences
Aceñolaza et al., 2013Aceñolaza, G., Gutiérrez-Marco, J. C., Peralta, S.2013Arachnostega gastrochaenae Bertling (traza fósil) en las secuencias volcaniclásticas de la Formación Suri, Sistema de Famatina, Argentina
Fatka & Kozák, 2014Fatka, O., Kozák, V.2014A new type of entombment of Peronopsis (Agnostida) in a hyolithid conch
Carnets de Géologie
POPOV et al., 2002Popov, L. E., Cocks, L., Nikitin, I.2002Upper Ordovician brachiopods from the Anderken Formation, Kazakhstan: their ecology and systematics10.1017/S0968046202000025
Torsvik et al., 1992Torsvik, T. H., Smethurst, M. A., Van der Voo, R., Trench, A., Abrahamsen, N., Halvorsen, E.1992Baltica. A synopsis of vendian-permian palaeomagnetic data and their palaeotectonic implications
Earth-Science Reviews
Tuuling et al., 2024Tuuling, I., Suuroja, S., Veski, A.2024Kas Saaremaa ja Hiiumaa vahel asub ürgne jõeorg?
Eesti Loodus
Istchenko & Radionova, 1985Istchenko, A. A., Radionova, E. P.1985O morfologicheskikh osobennostjakh i sistematicheskom polozhenii roda Wetheredella Wood, 1948 [О морфологических особенностях и систематическом положении рода Wetheredella Wood, 1948]
Voprosy mikropaleontologii
Přibyl & Štorch, 1985Přibyl, A., Štorch, P.1985Prochnygraptus gen. n. (Graptolithina, Monograptidae) from the Middle and Upper Llandovery of Europe
Vestnik ustredniho ustavu Geologickeho
Amberg et al., 2023Amberg, C. E., Molyneux, S. G., Zalasiewicz, J. A., Vandenbroucke, T. R.2023Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the regional Arenig Series in Wales and correlation with the global Lower–Middle Ordovician series and stages
Geological Magazine
Vallon et al., 2024Vallon, L. H., Jagt, J. W., Milàn, J., Bromley, R. G.2024Marvellous Maastrichtian miners – bioerosional trace fossils as natural casts from the type area of the Maastrichtian Stage, the Netherlands
Geologie en Mijnbouw
Vinn et al., 2024pVinn, O., Hosgör, I., Alkahtane, A. A., El-Hedeny, M., Al Farraj, S.,2024First record of serpulids from the Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Türkiye Premier enregistrement des serpulidés du Crétacé (Maastrichtien) de la Turquie
Annales de Paléontologie
Wahl, 1921Wahl, A.1921Verzeichnis kambrischer und silurischer Petrafakten aus Estland, Nord-Livland, den Inseln Dago und Oesel sowie aus dem dortigen Geschiebe[ "A. v. Wahli käest 1921. aastal ostetud kivististe nimekiri. Kivististe numeratsioonis esinev palju vigu. Üles leitud kivistised on arvele võetud kollektsioonis TUG 3" ]
Cai et al., 2011Cai, Y., Schiffbauer, J. D., Hua, H., Xiao, S.2011Morphology and paleoecology of the late Ediacaran tubular fossil Conotubus hemiannulatus from the Gaojiashan Lagerstätte of southern Shaanxi Province, South China
Precambrian Research
Grewingk, 1862Grewingk, C.1862Catalog zur Suite der nordwest silurischen zone Russlands nebst Gotland[ "Eestist kogutud kivistised Ulprecht, Schrenk kivistised, ümber kirjutatuna vanadest tulmeraamatutest, nummerdatud, sisestatud kollektsiooni TUG 134" ]
Nowlan, 1985Nowlan, G. S.1985Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician conodonts from the Franklinian Miodeosyncline, Canadian Atcric Islands
Journal of Paleontology
Mostler, 1985Mostler. H.1985Neue heteractinide Spongien (Calcispongea) aus dem Unter- und Mittelkambrium Südwestsardiniens2
Berichte des Naturwissenschaftlich-Medizinischen Vereins Innsbruck
Jain, 2020Jain, S.2020Fundamentals of Invertebrate Palaeontology10.1007/978-81-322-3962-8
Ghavidel-Syooki & Borji, 2018Ghavidel-Syooki, M., Borji, S.2018Chronostratigraphy of Acritarchs and Chitinozoans from Upper Ordovician Strata from the Robat-e Gharabil Area, NE Alborz Mountains, Northern Khorassan Province: Stratigraphic and Paleogeographic Implications
Amberg et al., 2017bAmberg, C. E. A., Vandenbroucke, T. R. A., Molyneux, S. G., Servais, T.2017Chitinozoans from the upper Tremadocian (Lower Ordovician) Watch Hill Formation of the Lake District, northern England
Steeman et al., 2016Steeman, T., Vandenbroucke, T. R. A., Williams, M., Verniers, J., Perrier, V., Siveter, D. J., Wilkinson, J., Zalasiewicz, J., Emsbo, P.2016Chitinozoan biostratigraphy of the Silurian Wenlock–Ludlow boundary succession of the Long Mountain, Powys, Wales
Geological Magazine
Grahn & Paris, 2011Grahn, Y., Paris, F.2011Emergence, biodiversification and extinction of the chitinozoan group
Geological Magazine