Hullo 385 borehole
General info
Name Hullo 385 borehole
Number 385
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Vormsi
Settlement Hullo
Elevation 1.00
Latitude 58.987943
Longitude 23.229568
X 6539027
Y 455707
Coord. agent Eesti Geoloogiakeskus (EGK)
Location remarks Puurauk Vormsi saare lõunarannikul
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Puuritud geol kaardistamise käigus 1969. Südamik ei ole säilinud. EGF 3146
Estonian Land Board ID 1082
Date changed 2022-11-21
Nõlvak & Grahn, 1993
Ordovician chitinozoan zones from Baltoscandia
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Süvakaardistamine Hiiumaal M 1:200 000, 1986.-1991. a
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Upper Ordovician and Llandoverian stratotypes of Estonia
6117-26m Vormsi lademe kirjeldus
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Distribution of acid-resistant microfossils in the northern East Baltic Ashgillian
22-2310.3-46.5 m (F1a - F1c)
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The Crystalline Basement of Estonian Territory
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Chitinozoans in biostratigraphy of the northern East Baltic Ashgillian. A preliminary report
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Microplancton from the Ashgillian of northern Baltic
53-58Vormsi ja Pirgu lademe piirikihtide iseloomustus
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Lithology of the Vormsi Stage in Estonia
6419.8-26m Vormsi lade
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Välipäevik nr 59: Eesti puuraugud
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Põhja-Baltimaade kristalliinse vundamendi ja platvormse tektoonika kaardid