Kauste F-351 borehole
General info
Name Kauste F-351 borehole
Number F-351
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Kõrgessaare
Settlement Kauste
Elevation 11.00
Latitude 59.04847
Longitude 22.594298
X 6546360
Y 419330
Coord. agent Eesti Geoloogiakeskus (EGK)
Location remarks Tahkuna poolsaar, Reigi-Tahkuna mnt-st ida pool, Tahkuna teeristist ca 5,6 km põhjas
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Puuritud 1987 süvakaardistamisel; EGF 4518
Estonian Land Board ID 1409
Date changed 2022-11-21
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Impact-Induced replacement of plagioclase by K-feldspar in granitoids and amphibolites at the Kärdla crater, Estonia
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Catalogue of chemical analyses of major elements in the rocks of the crystalline basement of Estonia
Kattai & Lokk, 1994
The varieties and origin of natural bitumens in Estonia
2164.9-65.1m, Idvere l, tahke bituumen
Mens & Pirrus, 1991, välipäevik 91
Välipäevik nr 91: süvakaardistamise puuraugud Hiiumaal (kirieldatud 1988, 1991)
21-2577.4-195.4 m
Suuroja et al., 1991
Süvakaardistamine Hiiumaal M 1:200 000, 1986.-1991. a
Kattai et al., 1990a
The distribution of natural bitumens on the territory of Estonia
Kattai et al., 1990b
Bitumen outcrops on Hiiumaa Island
Kattai, 1990a
Composition of natural bitumens in Estonia