NameRadalka, Latvia
Coordinates56.5825, 25.5175
Coordinate precision1-10 km
Coord. methodGoogle Maps / Earth
Coord. agentIsakar, Mare
Location remarksSuure tõenäosusega Glauenhof - Radolkas ehk Radalkas muiža jäi Plavinase veehoidla alla, vana kaarti vaadates on see väga tõenäoline. Seal oli ka Radalka kärestik, mis enam ei eksisteeri.
Strat. base
RemarksDaugava near Selpils - the shores formed by dolomite cliffs rise to a height of 30 m. This site was one of the most beautiful on the river. Beautiful views opened from the cliffs of Olinkalns and Avotinkalns, from the ruins of the castles of Selpils, Altena and Koknese. The key of Liepavots, the rocks of Staburags and Krauklya, the bend of Krustalitsis and others were covered with historical memory and legends. The high banks were cut by deep erosion gullies, which formed impressive canyons and beautiful waterfalls on the tributaries (the Perse river).
Date added2021-02-23
Date changed2021-02-23
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