NameKoporye 139 borehole
Typeborehole (section)
Coordinates59.70494, 29.040152
Coordinate precision1-10 km
Coord. methodGoogle Maps / Earth
Coord. agentAaloe, Aasa
Location remarksAsub Koporje asulas, koordinaadid orienteerivad. Sügavus on üle 320.3 m
Strat. top
Strat. base
RemarksPuuritud enne 1960. a (aruanne: Selivanova jt 1960, Leningrad). Cm paksus 118.3 m (33.75 - 152); Vend 168.3m (152-320.3)
Date added2016-01-29
Date changed2022-12-15
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