Ikla borehole
General info
Name Ikla borehole
Number SG4
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Häädemeeste
Elevation 0.00
Latitude 57.881675
Longitude 24.369386
Coord. agent Eesti Geoloogiakeskus (EGK)
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Kaljo, Vingisaar, 1969 nimetavad puurauku "struktuur-hüdrogeoloogiline puurauk nr. 4 (Ikla)". Puuritud GV hüdrogeoloogia rühma poolt 1966. EGF 2948.
Estonian Land Board ID 1157
Date changed 2018-12-05
Edwards at al., 2017
Oxygenation as a driver of the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event
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Strontium and carbon isotope stratigraphy of the Llandovery (Early Silurian): Implications for tectonics and weathering
Nestor, H. et al., 2003
Correlation of lower-middle Llandovery sections in central and southern Estonia and sedimentation cycles of lime muds
10,16322.3-527.3 Juuru, Raikküla lade
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Upper Llandovery to middle Wenlock (Silurian) lithostratigraphy and chitinozoan biostratigraphy in southwestern Estonia and northermost Latvia
Kaljo & Martma, 2000
Carbon isotopic composition of Llandovery rocks (East Baltic Silurian) with environmental interpretation
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Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
70,83,94Rakvere-Lasnamäe, Vormsi, Juuru-Adavere lade
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Early Silurian chitinozoans of Estonia and North Latvia
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Eustatic sea-level patterns from the Lower Silurian (Llandovery Series) of southern Norway and Estonia
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Välipäevik nr 25: Geluva 99 ja Bresti nõo puuraugud
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Lower Silurian chitinozoans of the East Baltic
106-108Juuru-Adavere lademe kitinozoad
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Genus Streptis (Triplesiidae, Brachiopoda) from the Ordovician and Silurian of Estonia
Nestor, V., 1984a
Distribution of Chitinozoans in the Late Llandoverian Rumba Formation (Pentamerus Oblongus Beds) of Estonia
150Raikküla-Adavere lade
Musteikis & Puura, I., 1983
The brachiopod genus Dicoelosia from the Baltic Silurian
Jürgenson & Viiding, 1982
The peculiarities of clastogenesis in the North-Baltic Early Palaeozoic carbonate rocks
Kaljo & Rubel, 1982
Relations of brachiopod communities to facial zones (Silurian, East Baltic)
Nestor, V., 1980a
New chitinozoan species from the Lower Llandoverian of Estonia
Nestor, V., 1980b
Middle Llandoverian Chitinozoans from Estonia
Oraspõld & Kala, 1980
Lithology of the Vormsi Stage in Estonia
61555.6-557.1m Vormsi lade
Jürgenson, 1978
Distribution of clay minerals in North-Baltic Silurian rocks
Jürgenson, 1977a
Subdivision of the East Baltic Silurian according to terrigenous material
Rubel, 1977a
Revision of Silurian Dayiacea (Brach.) from the North-East Baltic
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Evolution of the genus Stricklandia (Pentamerida, Brach.) in the Llandovery of Estonia
Vingisaar, 1977
K litostratigrafii vormsiskogo i pirguskogo gorizontov (verhnij ordovik) Èstonii
92557,4-537,9 m FIb-FIc
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Stratigraphical classification of the Estonian Silurian
Saarde kihistu stratotüüp
Nestor, V. et al., 1976
Facial'nye modeli sredneordovivsvih i llandoverijskih bassejnov Pribaltiki
228285-525 m, Jaani-Juuru lade