Name | Kaarma dolostone quarry |
Type | outcrop |
Country | Estonia |
Parish | Kaarma |
Settlement | Saia |
Coordinates | 58.335917, 22.476631 |
Coordinate system | EPSG:3301 |
X | 6467162 |
Y | 410776 |
Coordinate precision | 1-10 m |
Coord. method | Est Land Board map server |
Coord. agent | Hints, Olle |
Location remarks | The Kaarma quarry is located 12 km north of the town of Kuressaare, next to the Uduvere –Saia road. |
Strat. top | Paadla Stage |
Strat. base | Paadla Stage |
Remarks | Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 7 : 1. Toodetakse kergesti töödeldavat viimistlusdolokivi. Kivi on kasutatud üle 700 aasta, tööstuslik kaevandamine algas 1958. a. Tänapäeval toodab Saare Dolomiit-Väokivi OÜ. Field Meeting, 1990. Loc 7 : 1. An easily processed finishing dolostone is produced. The stone has been used for over 700 years, industrial mining began in 1958. Nowadays Saare Dolomiit-Väokivi OÜ) |
Date added | 2002-08-13 |
Date changed | 2024-02-28 |
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