Pääsküla subsurface tunnels, full profile
General info
Name Pääsküla subsurface tunnels, full profile
Type outcrop
Country Estonia
Latitude 59.342456
Longitude 24.630931
Coordinate system L-EST
X 6578432
Y 535902
Coordinate precision 1-10 m
Coord. method Est Land Board map server
Coord. agent Hints, Olle
Location remarks koordinaadid mõõdetud rooduvarjendi nr 4 juures kust pääseb maa-alustesse tunnelitesse. Täisprofiil proovitud määratud punktist ca 250 m N. Varjendi vastas looduslik paljand.
Date added 2001-01-17
Date changed 2023-11-05
Kiipli, T., 2008a
Ordovician and Silurian bentonites of Estonia
Hints, O. et al., 2003
Biotic effects of the Ordovician Kinnekulle ash-fall recorded in northern Estonia
Hints, O. & Nõlvak, 1999a
Proposal for the lower boundary-stratotype of the Keila Regional Stage (Upper Ordovician)
Hints, O. et al., 1997
Mineralogy and micropalaeontology of the Kinnekulle altered volcanic ash bed (Ordovician) at Pääsküla, North Estonia