Slantsy 246 borehole
General info
Name Slantsy 246 borehole
Number 246
Type borehole (section)
Country Russia
Date changed 2009-06-30
Kleesment et al., 2012
Linkage of diagenesis to depositional environments and stratigraphy in the northern part of the Baltic basin
16, 17Devon: Härma-Vadja
Kleesment, 2009b
Roundness and surface features of quartz grains in Middle Devonian deposits of the East Baltic and their palaeogeographical implications
74Burtnieki-Aruküla 25-60m
Kleesment, 1998a
Authigenic overgrowths of detrital feldspar grains in the Devonian sequence of the East Baltic
Raukas & Teedumäe, 1997 (eds)
Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
Kleesment, 1994
Subdivision of the Aruküla Stage on the basis of lithological and mineralogical criteria
6529-96.5m Aruküla lade
Kleesment, 1990, välipäevik 43
Välipäevik nr 43: Gorodenka ja Narva jõe paljandid, Leningradi oblasti puuraugud 246 (Slantsõ) ja 256
Kleesment, 1984, välipäevik 41
Välipäevik nr 41: Narva karjäär, Valga 4, Valga 10, Põlva 72, Leningradi oblasti puuraugud