Vollen, Norra
Nimi Vollen, Norra
Tüüp paljand
Riik Norra
Lat 59.807511
Long 10.485283
Koordinaatide täpsus 100-1000 m
Koord. meetod Google Maps
Koord. määraja Aaloe, Aasa
Asukoha kirjeldus Vollen is a part of the Asker municipality in Akershus county, Norway. Vollen is situated about 10 km south of the main settlement of Asker. Vollen lies next to the western coast of the Oslo Fjord
Kirje lisatud 2014-09-12
Kirje muudetud 2014-09-25
Amberg et al., 2016
The nature of Ordovician limestone-marl alternations in the Oslo-Asker District (Norway): witnesses of primary glacio-eustasy or diagenetic rhythms?
Distribution of chitinozoans in the Huk Fm.
Grahn & Nõlvak, 2007a
Remarks on older Ordovician Chitinozoa and biostratigraphy of the Oslo Region, southern Norway
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