Billegrav 2 puurauk
Nimi Billegrav 2 puurauk
Number 2
Tüüp puurauk
Riik Taani
Kõrgus 12.20
Lat 55.012397
Long 14.998452
Koordinaatide täpsus 10-100 m
Asukoha kirjeldus UTM: 6096171, 499901
Strat. algus
Strat. lõpp
Lisainfo The Billegrav-2 well (DGU #248.61) was drilled as part of the shallow drilling campaign conducted by GEUS on southern Bornholm in August 2010. The well was fully cored and subsequently subjected to an extensive logging program by GEUS in order to characterize the lithology, the water composition and the flow capacity of the fracture systems (Schovsbo et al. 2011).
Kirje lisatud 2014-06-30
Kirje muudetud 2014-06-30
Kiipli, T. et al., 2014c
Geochemical discrimination of the Upper Ordovician Kinnekulle Bentonite in the Billegrav-2 drill-core section, Bornholm, Denmark