Arnager, Bornholm
Nimi Arnager, Bornholm
Tüüp paljand
Riik Taani
Lat 55.053336
Long 14.774635
Koord. meetod Google Maps
Koord. määraja Aaloe, Aasa
Asukoha kirjeldus Koordinaadid Arnageri sadamast ~200 m lääne poolt.
Lisainfo Arnager Klint. Walk west from Arnager harbour. The cliff is about 20 metres high and about 200 metres long, and consist of limestone from the Cretaceous period. In the green colored glauconitic layers and in the limestones you can find bivalves (Inoceramus sp.), ammonites, belemnites and sponges.
Kirje lisatud 2009-07-30
Kirje muudetud 2023-10-28
Vallon et al., 2020a
Cutting-edge technology: burrows lined with sponge bioclasts from the Upper Cretaceous of Denmark
Shogenova et al., 2003a
Glauconitic rocks in the Baltic area: estimation of specific surface