Ataki 117 paljand, Podoolia
Nimi Ataki 117 paljand, Podoolia
Number 117
Tüüp paljand
Riik Ukraina
Lat 48.534438
Long 26.437106
Koord. meetod Google Maps
Koord. määraja Aaloe, Aasa
Asukoha kirjeldus Ataki 117 palj on Dnesti paremal kaldal lisajõe Zbruchi suudme vastas- e. vasakkaldal, veidi ülesvoolu.
Strat. algus
Strat. lõpp
Kirje lisatud 2009-06-11
Kirje muudetud 2022-12-15
Cramer et al., 2015
High-precision U_Pb zircon age constraints on the duration of rapid biogeochemical events during the Ludlow Epoch (Silurian Period)
Kaljo et al., 2007a
Three global carbon isotope shifts in the Silurian of Podolia (Ukraine): stratigraphical implications
Kaljo et al., 2007a
Three global carbon isotope shifts in the Silurian of Podolia (Ukraine): stratigraphical implications
Kiipli, T. et al., 2000a
Volcanic interbeds in the Silurian of southwestern part of the East European Platform
Anonymous, 1984a
Guidebook. International Geological Congress XXVII session. Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Excursions: 020, 023, 025, 081, 090, 095, 098
133-134stop 7
Tsegelnjuk et al., 1983
The Silurian of Podolia. The guide to excursion
Tsegelnjuk et al., 1983
The Silurian of Podolia. The guide to excursion
124, 139