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Analüüs (tihedus ja poorsus) proovist F281-03
Metoodikatihedus ja poorsus
Isik/asutusShogenova, Alla
Proovi nrF281-03
LisainfoDensity and porosity were determined using the water saturation method. For density measurements samples were dried at a temperature 100–110 °C and the weight of dry samples (Pd) was determined. Then the samples were saturated with water for 7 days and after that weighed in air (Pw) and water (Pww). From the obtained measurements the following parameters were calculated: dry density = Pd/V = Pd/(Pw – Pww), where V represents sample volume; wet density= Pw/(Pw – Pww); grain density= Pd/(Pd – Pww); effective porosity = (Pw – Pd)/(Pw – Pww). Research Institute of Earths Crust of St, Petersburg University (Russia)
LokaliteetAlavere F-281 puurauk
StratigraafiaVolhovi lade
AsutusTalTech geoloogia instituut
Kirje lisatud2013-10-28
Kirje muudetud2014-01-10
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