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Analüüs (XRF) proovist 110979
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LisainfoThe bulk chemical composition and Fe2O3 total of the rocks was determined by XRF spectrometry in the laboratories of the All-Russian Geological Institute (VSEGEI), St. Petersburg. The samples were crushed by a ball mill till 5 microns. The weight of samples for analysis was 3 grams. The sample was pressed to stainless steal cuvette. The pressure was 1 ton. For the measurements the X-ray spectrometer SPM-25 (1988) was used. As the source of primary X-ray radiation there was used the X-ray tube with rhodium anode (3RXB). The time of exposition was 80 seconds. The reliability of the results of X-ray fluorescence anal¬ysis was controlled by standards that the GOST (USSR state standards) certificates have. The analyses were made according to the Instruction NSAM N-313-RS (VIMS, VSEGEI, 1990). The precision of the measurements was regulated by Instruction (OSM 41-08-212-82). All concentrations below the detection level were set to one-half of the detection limit.
LokaliteetVanamõisa F-270 puurauk, Lääne-Virumaa
StratigraafiaDominopoli lade
LitostratigraafiaTiskre kihistu
AsutusTalTech geoloogia instituut
Kirje lisatud2013-10-28
Kirje muudetud2014-01-09
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