Kalana karjäär
Nimi Kalana karjäär
Tüüp karjäär
Riik Eesti
Vald Pajusi
Asutusüksus Mõisaküla küla
Lat 58.722118
Long 26.038226
Koordinaatide täpsus 100-1000 m
Koord. meetod Maa-ameti kaardiserver
Koord. määraja Aaloe, Aasa
Asukoha kirjeldus Uus Kalana karjäär, asub Põltsamaalt idas ja ca 1 km Kalana külakeskmest läänes. Kalana- Pisisaarde tee ääres. Klassikaline karjäär (vana karjäär) on 1-1,5 km kagu pool. EGF 3546. (The new Kalana quarry is located east of Põltsamaa and approx. 1 km west of Kalana village center. Near by Kalana- Pisisaarde road. The classic quarry (old quarry) is 1-1.5 km southeast. EGF 3546.)
Strat. algus
Strat. lõpp
Lisainfo Kalana (Otisaare) paekarjäär - üldpindala 16,34 ha (kaevandab AS Kaltsiit, toodab killustikku). Ehituslubjakivi aktiivne varu on 1846.300 tm3. Aastatoodang 75.000 tonni. Uus karjäär rajati 1990-date alguses vanadest murdudest pisut kirdes, toodetakse killustikku. Uue karjääri kivim ei ole dolomiidistunud. (Kalana (Otisaare) limestone quarry - total area 16.34 ha (excavated by AS Kaltsiit, produces crushed stone). The active reserve of building limestone is 1846,300tm3, with an annual production of 75,000 tons. A new quarry was built in the early 1990s, a little to the northeast of the old quarries; crushed stone is produced. The rock of the new quarry is not dolomitized.)
Kirje lisatud 2009-08-06
Kirje muudetud 2024-02-27
Ausich et al., 2020a
Kalana Lagerstätte crinoids: Early Silurian (Llandovery) of central Estonia
Mastik, 2019
Silurian noncalcified macroscopic algal fossils from the Kalana Lagerstätte, Estonia
Algae, locality map stratigraphy
Tinn & Märss, 2018
The earliest osteostracan Kalanaspis delectabilis gen. et sp. nov. from the mid-Aeronian (mid-Llandovery, lower Silurian) of Estonia
2Algae. Locality map, column
Mastik & Tinn, 2017
Leveilleites hartnageli Foerste, 1923 (Rhodophyta?) from the Ordovician of Laurentia and Silurian of Baltica: Redescription and designation of a neotype
Algae. Locality map, column
Guitor, S., 2016
Kalana lagerstätte makrofauna analüüs [Bakalaureusetöö. Juhendajad: T. Meidla, M. Pärtel, O. Tinn]
Männik et al., 2016
Age of the Kalana Lagerstätte, early Silurian, Estonia
105-114Conodonta. Locality map, column
Mastik & Tinn, 2015
New dasycladalean algal species from the Kalana Lagerstätte (Silurian, Estonia)
Tinn et al., 2015a
Kalania pusilla, an exceptionally preserved non-calcified alga from the lower Silurian (Aeronian, Llandovery) of Estonia
Algae. Locality map, column
Ainsaar et al., 2014a
Stop B1: Kalana quarry
174-176Stratigraphy, section, conodonts
Rubel, 2011
Silurian brachiopods Dictyonellida, Strophomenida, Productida, Orthotetida, Protorthida and Orthida from Estonia
Tinn et al., 2010c
Kivist herbaarium
Tinn et al., 2009
Thallophytic algal flora from a new Silurian Lagerstätte
38-42Algae. Locality map, column
Ainsaar & Einasto, 1995
Kalana paemurd